Your Thoughts Are Primed By Your Environment

Most people think that their thoughts are their thoughts- coming and going just as our lungs inhale and release air.

Many people also experience their thoughts as facts, rather than the accumulation of memories, emotional triggers, sensory input, physiological states and their environment. The idea of paying attention to our thoughts and noticing our ability to control which ones we latch on to is becoming a much more common practice through meditation, yoga and other mind control exercises.

One such exercise is priming. Your thoughts are primed by your environment whether intentional or not. It’s easy to see this when you step into extreme environments; like a back alley at night in the wrong part of town, or a yoga studio on an early Sunday morning. Now think about some more neutral environments. Our schools can learn a lot from how their classrooms affect their students ability to focus and stay engaged. At home, how do we want to feel? WE have the ability to prime ourselves and our thoughts by how we create our environments at home. Think about how you feel when you last felt like your best self. Now working backwards, you need to create the environment that will encourage those feelings EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Ask yourself, “What will make me feel inspired and at ease when I walk into my home?” For many, the smallest things can make the biggest difference.

-Towels folded neatly and ready for you as you step out of the shower

-A nicely made bed with fluffy pillows and a throw blanket across the foot

-A tidy desk with a burning candle and warm latte if you work from home

-Fewer toys to pick up and a spot for everything so your playroom doesn’t make you cringe

-A fridge stocked with freshly chopped vegetables and nothing that doesn’t spark joy or health

-Pots, pans, and bake ware arranged neatly in drawers or cabinets that make sense for them. Clearing any access so they don’t get in the way of your culinary endeavors

-String lights hanging on your back porch to promoting you to wind down with a glass of wine and friendly chat

-Bath salts set out nicely in a clear container by your bath, suggesting you indulge in a much deserving soak

We often get caught up in the day to day tasks and errands that pop up at us left and right. I have found that when you create an environment that encourages acts of self care and peace, you are far more likely to prioritize yourself and tackle the endless list of “must-do’s” when it makes sense for you. Everyone is different when it comes to what inspires them and the environment that allows them to feel their best. Take a deep look at your home as it stands. What could you do to make it best serve you and  your family? Why would these changes help you? What would this new, curated space allow you to do? How would you feel if you could instantly transform your space into that vision right now? Visualize the feelings you want to have in your home, then take ACTION to create an environment that primes beautiful thoughts and your best self.