
Why You Don't Stay Organized

Why You Don't Stay Organized


“No matter what I do to get organized, it never seems to last. I end up feeling like I’ve failed, so I avoid trying altogether. I guess I just wasn’t born with the organized gene.”

A recent client spoke these familiar words as we stood in the pile of clothes collected from over 20 years of postponed decisions.
I hear this notion all too often. “I’m just not an organized person.” “I’ve never been organized, so I’ve learned to embrace the chaos as my natural state of being.”

Honestly, to a great extent- what they’re saying is right.

Physical Effects of Clutter

Physical Effects of Clutter

It may or may not come as a surprise that disorganization not only affects your outer world, but can create a physical manifestation in your inner world as well.

A recent study found that families who had more clutter and disorganization and unfinished projects in their home had lower cortisol levels, higher rates of depression and anxiety, reportedly less satisfied marriages, higher stress and overall feelings of unease.